Friday, August 10, 2018

Why this...

Hello readers...

I just wanted to give a little bit of background information about how this blog came to be.

First of all, this is not my first blog. I am the queen of starting things that never get finished. However, one thing that I am also queen of is writing in the moment. I'd like to say that I'm pretty good at it. The truth behind that is honestly up to you.

Besides that, I've been exercising my writing muscles lately and needed a place to sacrifice as an outlet. That's when I went to Reddit.

A few good people in my life have been telling me to join Reddit for a while but I never really gave it the time because......well, I honestly just didn't feel like it. So, I finally feel like it so I go to the website and I write a story.

The first thing that upset me was the sheer amount of rules. EVERY SINGLE SUBREDDIT HAS THEIR OWN SET OF RULES TO FOLLOW. Don't try to post in different subreddit's because God forbid you get the rules mixed up (that was one of my issues).

The second thing that upset me was the fact that my very first post was removed without explanation. I searched high and low for reasoning behind the removal of my heard work and was only redirected to sending an email to the people who were in charge of each subreddit. There are like 5 different people to email so that in itself was confusing.

So when I finished that email I go to another subreddit to try posting my story. I assumed the reason my post was removed was it broke the rule that states not to go over 500 words, which I really did not realize until AFTER the story was removed, but I digress.

Only a few minutes after I repost the same story it's removed again. This time I got a message saying why:
"Your post was removed because it is not an original. Please be sure to label your inspired posts as [IP] in the title."

Apparently because my story was posted in a different subreddit first, it was considered to be "inspired" when really it was just my story. And why are they even able to see a post that had been removed in the first place???

So I choose to take another route: just write an entirely new story. I was careful to start reading rules and this time I tried my best to follow them. I thought I did pretty well.


About 30 minutes later I get a message saying that my post was removed because of the tag I put on my title (which I only did because I read under a different subreddit that it was required). The person who messaged me told me that I could repost the story and take the tag out and they would allow it, but when I checked the rules that were specific to that subreddit there was NO rule against putting the tag in the title. So there really was no reason behind removing my all

In an angry rage, I decided to just make a blog and post all my work here. That may be unreasonable, but hey! People need a place to exhale (in the sense of writing). So why not let this be the place?

I present to you, fellow readers and writing peers, the opportunity to Write Without Rules. This is a place where one (specifically myself) can write what I like to write and not worry about someone taking it down because they don't like something insignificant about it. Don't like it? That's fine. There are plenty of other writings out there that may suit your fancy.....

On another website.

Not this one.

So thank you to those who have decided to join me. I appreciate your time. Please let commentary below and feel free to submit your own work to be featured on my page. I would love nothing more than to extend this freedom to others.


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