Saturday, August 11, 2018

My Imaginary Child

This is my fault...

I didn't make enough pancakes.


The girls tried to warn me but I thought it was a game. You know how little girls like to play. When we moved here I thought it would give us the opportunity to start over again. A clean start after Jordan left us...

After he abandoned the girls and I.

I had always wanted children but he never did. He seemed almost....terrified of the idea. This was the result of my desire. How could I know this was part of raising kids? I'm getting off topic.


When the girls told me about their new friend, I laughed. "Kids say the darnd-est things" I thought. How naive. And when they told me their little friend, whom only they could see, wanted to be part of our family I obliged. How could it hurt? Imaginary friends didn't require clothes or food. I'll humor them.


At breakfast the next day was when I'd messed up. I'd only made enough pancakes for the girls and I. The girls cried and cried all day about it. Honestly, it pissed me off after the first few hours but they just wouldn't get over it.
The next morning, when I went to wake the girls... their room had been repainted in dark red streaks, with limb-like ornaments hanging on the walls. A small, clean piece of paper on the dresser read "Can we have pancakes today, mommy?"


I suppose I've learned a valid lesson today. One that I will never be able to forget:

Always.....ALWAYS make more pancakes.

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